Kindle 2 Notion

Easily export your kindle highlights to notion using our extension
Kindle2Notion Extension Logo


Install the extension

Built into your favourite browser
Step 1

First-Time Setup

Open the extension

Click on Login button
Step 1

Login to Notion account

You will be redirected to a new tab where you can login to you Notion account
Step 2

Provide Notion Page Edit Access

Click on Next
Step 3

Click on
Use the template provided by the developer

Select the first option to create a new template named My Kindle Clippings in your Notion
Step 4

Wait for the auth to complete
Voila! Logged In

If still not logged in, you can try refreshing or reopening the plugin before attempting signup again. Note you can upload from both this tab and the extension
Step 5

Update/Upload clippings

Connect Kindle Via USB

Step 1

Open the extension

Click Upload New Clippings Files button
Step 3

Select clippings file & Click Upload

Kindle → documents → My Clippings.txt
Step 4

Check Status

Click refresh button in status box to keep checking status
Step 5


You can close the browser and extension after starting the sync as all the processing is happening remotely
Step 6


Open the extension

Click on Login button
Step 1

Login to Notion account

You will be redirected to a new tab where you can login to you Notion account
Step 2

Provide Notion Page Edit Access

Click on Next
Step 3

Click on
Select pages to share with Kindle To Notion Public

Select the second option to select already created page for Kindle highlights in your Notion
Step 4

Select the Page and Click on Allow Access

Make sure to choose only one Page to store your Kindle highlights, usually named 'My Kindle Clippings' by default. If you have renamed it, please select the appropriate Page
Step 5

Wait for the auth to complete
Voila! Logged In

If still not logged in, you can try refreshing or reopening the plugin before attempting signup again. Note you can upload from both this tab and the extension
Step 5

Support Us!

If you like the product, support us to keep maintaining the extension.